• 2081 बैशाख ४ मङ्गलवार
  • Tuesday 16 Apr 2024
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✍️Khagaraj Adhikari

Honorable Chief Ministerको सन्देश

Gandaki Province Training Academy (GPTA) has been established under the Gandaki Province Training Academy Act, 2019 as an autonomous knowledge center of Gandaki Province with the objective of conducting training the elected officials and staff working in the Provincial Government and the Local Levels to enhance their competency, supporting in the implementation of policies, plans, priorities, and programs of Provincial Government and Local Levels, supporting in improving services delivery of Provincial Government and Local Levels by enhancing their institutional capacity, and carrying out research, studies and policy dialogues to generate new knowledge and/or contribute to the existing knowledge base. I would like to congratulate the academy family for being able to actively engage in achieving its objectives and be able to receive an ISO 9001:2015 certificate as Quality Management System.
I would like to express my best wishes to its endeavor to be established itself as a Center of Excellence for competent and well-versed Provincial Government and Local Levels by enhancing the competency of elected officials and personnel working in the public sector through quality training, problem-based research, issue-based dialogues, and demand-based consultancy services. 
I believe that the capacity development activities implemented by the academy will work as a bridge between the federal and provincial governments and the local levels by strengthening intergovernmental relations with the spirit of coordination, collaboration, and co-existence. I am confident that the services of the academy will increase the effectiveness of the services delivered by public sector institutions and contribute to strengthening government-citizen relations. I heartily request the national and international organizations and the stakeholder to extend their cooperationin achieving the goals and objectives of the Academy.
Thank you.

 भर्खरका सूचनाहरु

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 भर्खरका कार्यक्रमहरु

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